While down at the California Dreamin' pre-event party, we got the chance to swing a leg across Battistini's 'production bobber' - the Venti - and it would have rude not to.

Read all about it in AmV46, out in early May 2011.

Not sure which will happen first: posting a message or docking! Sod this, I'll wait till we're in range of a uk transmitter!

... looking comfortable in a larger 'modified Harley' class

Sorry, couldn't resist it: stunning sidecar on a sidevalve

I'm sure someone will know what this fuel tank was originally off ... something small and Japanese from the seventies, I think

One of three outfits at Custom Chrome's show on Mainz, any of which I'd love to take home with me

Ding ding,  ... Yes, I should have thought to shoot the bikes but with a handful of SLR amd a 3CCD video cam to cope with, I was occupied enough

Ready for sailing: Hogfather's Yeti Edwards contacted Tatton Brewery to meet up with four firkins of their winter ale. The first was drained before the ferry left Harwich. The second saw us through Holland, into Belgium and was finished off in Germany, a third went North with the Big Dog Motorcycles Europe crew to a dealer event in Norway, and the fourth one gave the local beers a run for their money at Custom Chrome's show, if you knew where to look ... usually within a few feet of Yeti :-)

We really must get our act together re the Blog: too much to do, too little time.